Extracting Variant Types
offers the VariantProps
helper to extract variant types
import type { VariantProps } from "cva";import { cva, cx } from "cva";
/** * Button */export type ButtonProps = VariantProps<typeof button>;export const button = cva(/* … */);
Required Variants
To keep the API small and unopinionated, cva
doesn’t offer a built-in solution for setting required variants.
Instead, we recommend using TypeScript’s Utility Types:
import { cva, type VariantProps } from "cva";
export type ButtonVariantProps = VariantProps<typeof buttonVariants>;export const buttonVariants = cva({ base: "…", variants: { optional: { a: "…", b: "…" }, required: { a: "…", b: "…" }, },});
/** * Button */export interface ButtonProps extends Omit<ButtonVariantProps, "required">, Required<Pick<ButtonVariantProps, "required">> {}
export const button = (props: ButtonProps) => buttonVariants(props);
// ❌ TypeScript Error:// Argument of type "{}": is not assignable to parameter of type "ButtonProps".// Property "required" is missing in type "{}" but required in type// "ButtonProps".button({});
// ✅button({ required: "a" });